Voices of Art: Conversation with Artist FOUR

At NFTUK, we believe that art has the power to transform. It can challenge perceptions, spark dialogue, and inspire action. As part of our core values, we're committed to supporting artists who harness this power, helping them to grow and contribute to our understanding of ourselves and our world.

This commitment led us to FOUR (or IV), a truly remarkable artist whose work asks profound questions about identity, connection, and the power of dreams. We had the privilege to exhibit FOUR's work in Paris at the prestigious Carrousel du Louvre via Paris Blockchain Week, and now, we're thrilled to share a deeper glimpse into their artistry through this exclusive interview.

FOUR was part of NFTUK's curation and exhibited at the Art gallery during Paris Blockchain Week by the Carrousel Du Louvre - April 9

We shared an extensive thread with more content from the art exhibition


NFTUK: "Could you tell us a bit about yourself and introduce the story behind the name 'FOUR'?"

FOUR: "Certainly, is a symbol of togetherness and a branch of humanity that has taught me most of the things I know about life. On joining the NFT space early 2021 - I was sceptical about the possibilities that the space could bring and spoke to 3 of my other friends on what they thought about it. These 3 friends saw that I could and will be exceptional and in the end build a legacy not just for myself, but for other artists that comes along with me on my journey. It felt only right to honour them, and I came up with the name “Four” - as a remembrance of the entry and successes I have had, taking my friends with me on the journey, a symbol of hope and strength."

FOUR: "Everything is Wrong"

I studied that every great artist has something that they are identified with and truly it has brought me to meet a number of amazing people."


Better Dreams, when I’m awake

" one of the pieces we've exhibited at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, seems like a message that could resonate with many people. How do you hope your audience connects with this piece? Is there a specific emotion or experience you want viewers to take away from your work?"

Better Dreams, When I’m Awake: To hear the epic tales of my wild dreams, you must first be aware of the fact that I’m not that much of a slumbered. Neither am I a stranger to the drowsy effect of dark clouds and twinkling stars. See, I’m a true dreamer, the type that isn’t confined to the illusion of pitch-black nights. So what’s a little bit of sleep compared to the dreams I have when I’m awake? The ones that are crafted in the astutely brilliant walls of my mind. Oh, to be a creator of real-life dreams!

Slumbering minds see mischievous foolishness, daydreamers see Iridescent realities. What you see is a reflection of who you are. Oh, to live life as a dream!

But I don’t sleep long enough to let the night consume in its inky body where blurry dreams live. But when I do, I wake up from the same dream, falling backwards into a hole of formidable chimera.

A hectic monotonous routine that a man of my stature mustn’t endorse.

FOUR: "Better Dreams, when I’m awake" - is one of those pieces where I sought to share the deepest and truest parts of myself, as it transcends beyond comprehension, how it is that when most are asleep, that’s when I get mostly creative, odd hours. Far beyond this, I wanted to make a body of work that has an aesthetically pleasing look, challenging myself, introducing 3 models on set. It’s humbling that from this little perspective of mine, a lot of people have had various interpretations of their own while viewing the piece - something I’m truly grateful and humbled by. I don’t mostly expect any form of emotions, as I myself get a wave of them at every stare. There’s often a lot of layers to uncover when you look in-depth through my work - Today, you could find hope, tomorrow it could seem to you like a mystery. Ultimately, I look to sharing to anyone that view my work a feeling telling them, ‘You can do it, you can be whatever you want'

FOUR: "The Deathless Lives Again"

Influences and Inspiration

NFTUK: "Who or what inspires your artistic vision? This could be other artists, historical figures, or even experiences from your own life"

FOUR: "I could name a lot of artists and how they’re influenced shaping me to be the artist I am now, to name a few: Rene Magritte, Van Gogh. The expressionism in their works are truly astounding. I wouldn’t go without saying, I have learnt a lot from different artists and sources also. There’d also be no greater lesson than your own personal experiences, these have shaped me to be who I am."

FOUR: Betrayal

NFTUK: "Do you face any unique barriers or challenges in your artistic process, and how do you overcome them? How do you see your work evolving in the future?"

FOUR: "Yes, With every piece ever created, I have faced different challenges - some, I almost gave up on because of how technical they can be, however, I have the best TEAM that set my path and focus on the goal. These guys are the absolute best, and I wouldn’t be where I am now without them. Every pieces ever made from the scarf series starts with a sketch, through to colours, to getting materials and styling, to composition, to rehearsals for numerous days and hours, to reshoots, and a lot more other things to make up a piece. I think every medium has challenges, but those challenges are the Art, the process is makes it worthwhile. I see my work evolving all the time, I believe I am building something that takes more than just my mind to craft.

With each work I put out, there’s always something to learn. I am confident that in the next coming years, they will be a symbol of strength to the upcoming artists and a revolutionary symbol in the art world itself - of course I say this with all humility."

FOUR: The Role of Luck in a Successful Outcome

Community and Growth

Do you feel being part of a wider artistic community is essential to your creative growth, or do you find inspiration equally in independent exploration?

FOUR: "I think the perfect mixture of both community and individualism creates a great environment for growth. At the end of the day, an artists needs to fully hone their craft and the community helps bolster their potential reach. So a perfect blend is great!

Enjoyed answering and sharing this, thank you for the opportunity."

Stay Tuned & Explore More

This is just a glimpse into the remarkable artistic vision of FOUR.

To experience their work first hand and follow their journey, visit:

➡️FOUR on Foundation

➡️FOUR on Objkt

➡️FOUR on X

➡️FOUR Instagram


Voices of art: Conversations with artist Napasio


NFTUK Immersive: A Hub for Innovation, Culture, and Community